Sunday, October 7, 2018

Visitors, School Days, and Prayer Requests

Enjoying lunch in Kijabe
October 7, 2019

Greetings friends and family!

We hope this update finds you doing well!

Our family loved having our dear friend, Carrie, John's Mom, Ina Lou, and Becky's Dad, Jerry, visit over our vacation.  While catching up with our friend and family, we visited a variety of places in this beautiful country we live in.  Vacation went by quickly and the new school year started in August.  John is teaching 6th grade and loves teaching next door to his twin brother, James, who is teaching 5th grade.  There are 12 four year olds on campus, so Becky has helped organize the pre-K classes.  The preschoolers have been divided into three groups.  Becky hosts a preschool class in our home.  They meet on Mondays and Fridays and Becky splits the teaching time with another mom.  Ruthie and Gracie also attend a preschool soccer class on Wednesdays taught by two preschool moms.  They are soccer rockers!
Carrie, Ruthie, and Becky at Thompson Falls.

Becky on safari in the Mara with Mom Ina Lou and Papa Jerry.

Ruthie and Gracie on their first day of Pre-K.

Our school year is off to a great start!  Along with teaching, we are hosting a 7th grade boys caring community, attend a couples' small group on Sunday night, and we each attend a Bible study.  Ruthie and Gracie love having two Junior girls babysit them while we are at small group.  The twins keep their babysitters busy with tea parties, dance parties, and movie nights with popcorn.

After having a busy vacation and the start of the new school year, we are now enjoying a few days of rest over mid-term break.  We spent a night in Nairobi while spending time with our good friend Dan and family, James, Shelly, Rachel, and Levi.  Our next two days will be filled with relaxing family time as we prepare for the second half of term one.
Gracie and Uncle Dan

Gracie and Ruthie at Mayfield Guest House in Nairobi

As we look at the next month, we have several prayer requests.  Please pray:

1.  For Becky's Dad, Papa Jerry.  He is having hip replacement surgery on Monday, Oct. 8.  Please pray for the doctor, nurses, and for a quick recovery.  Also, please pray for our family who will be taking care of  Papa.  He won't be able to drive for six weeks.

2.  For our Gracie Girl.  She has a hernia and will have surgery on Oct. 23.  This surgery has already been rescheduled once due to a cold.  Please pray she will stay healthy for the surgery and she will have little pain as she recovers.

3.  For Spiritual Emphasis Week.  Students return from mid-term break on Tuesday and this short week of school will include special music and a speaker each night.  Please pray for the speaker and those organizing this special week.  Please pray for our students to be focused on who they are in Christ.

Will you please pray with us?
Please tell us how we can pray for you!

In the love of the Savior we serve,
John, Becky, Ruthie, and Gracie

**** Want to keep up on daily activities at Rift Valley Academy?  Follow the school's Facebook page by clicking on this ****

Gracie with her preschool class enjoying ice cream after a treasure hunt.

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