Monday, October 22, 2018

Multicultural Day 2018

Once a school year we take a day to celebrate the different cultures represented at Rift Valley Academy.  This year we started Multicultural Day with the flag ceremony.  We had 27 countries represented and the oldest student(s) on campus representing that country has the privilege to carry the flag to the stage and greet everyone in that country's language.  We ended the ceremony by singing the Kenyan National Anthem. 
We wore our red, white, and blue!  

27 different flags to represent the 27 different countries our staff and students are from.
Then on to the Amazing Race, our theme for this year.  Students were matched with their little sisters/brothers and worked in groups to follow clues and complete different roadblocks and detours before they made it to the "pit stop".
We were in charge of the International Foods stop.  As groups arrived they had a choice to make, "Bland or Brave".  If they chose bland, then their task was to have a member of the team eat a bowl of rice in 45 seconds.  If they chose brave, then the group would pick two people to spin the wheel.  The wheel determined which international food the lucky two would try and as a group they would decide which country the food was from (we gave them four to pick one from).  We were amazed by how easily some of the foods were recognized.  Just by the taste of the spices of the chutney several groups were able to quickly pick Pakistan as the correct country.  We were impressed by the students' skills and loved working this stop.
Bland- a student tries to eat a bowl of rice in 45 seconds.

Shelly shows a food a student must try.  From a list of four countries, they must pick where it comes from.
Can you guess which one is from England and which one is from Spain?
Do you know the name of these foods?
My favorite food was represented on the far right, Mexican food!
John directing the groups.

For lunch the cafo served fried chicken and yummy picnic foods.  The girls loved seeing all their friends from young to old at the school wide picnic.  Once they were done eating, they quickly collected a few of their preschool friends and started a game of chase with some of their favorite high school dorm kids.
In the afternoon, John ran in the One World 5K race while I supervised his twin four year old cheerleaders.  John was happy that he improved his running time from last year.
The girls are cheering on the runners with two of their preschool friends.
At the finish line with preschool friends.  Daddy shared his watermelon with Gracie.
Cousin Rachel was one of the top three runners for her age group!

In the evening we grilled dinner with our neighbors, then went to the cafo for hot chocolate and caramel apples.  The day ended with a concert by the Kijabe Boys School and fireworks!  Our girls loved the finale and were ready for bed once we crawled home! 
If you would like to see more pictures from this amazing event, then check out the RVA FB page at

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